Ok, more like Paxton's but still.....
Well, the other day i was looking at my registry & noticed that the stroller i registered for was NOT AVAILABLE. I thought it was just online, so later Marc & i went to BabiesR'Us to make sure... Sure enough, after wandering up & down the aisles, it was nowere to be found. I asked an associate & she told me they're NOT AVAILABLE anymore. Talk about a stab in the heart. OUCH! i was soooo sad. It was a black and white damask print with yellow accenting on it. My granny made a quilt to match it even. Whelp, after 30 minutes of being pissed & after i made a few frantic calls, we decided to go home & check online for it. Somewhere else had to have it, right? WRONG. big fat WRONG! Its like it never existed :( The only thing i can find on it are reviews. So later, i found this other one. I fell in love. Not 100% in love since i was in love with a different one, but close enough. It has a simple but modern print, part of it is microfiber, & you can adjust it like 10 ways! So I figured, we have to get this ASAP before this one goes too, so we did! i ordered it online on Tuesday & we received it Friday! Talk about fast. Thank you BabiesR'Us.
Here it is after i assembled it yesterday!
It looks nice! Sorry to hear the other one sold out though..don't you hate that!!