Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pax is 21 Months!

Thats right! 21 months! I can't believe that he will be 2 in just 3 months! AHHHHH. It went by so fast. Paxton is such an angelic child. Really! He's asleep WAY more then he is awake which is a good thing but oh how i miss him when he takes his 4 hour nap!

Anywho, Pax is such a talker! He repeats everything we say and of course, he has his own lingo too!
He knows how to say 1 and 2 and shows us with his finger.
He loves me singing to him (maybe he's tone deaf) But i sing and he'll chime in on the parts he knows and  we both do the actions! He loves Pattycake, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Popcorn Popping, Mr. Alligator, Head shoulders knees and toes, Book of Mormon Stories, Ring Around The Rosey, Cows Are in The Meadows and I Like to Eat, Eat, Eat.
He loves jumping, even if its barely and inch off the ground and will say, "1,2,3 Jump!"
He loves spinning in circles and can do it ALL day long if i let him
He loves nigh nigh time and asks for it all day long
He sleeps from 9:30- 10am ish and takes a 4 hour nap during the day
He wears a 6.5/7 shoe
He is still on Almond Milk
He was weighed with our scale and weighed 25 lbs 2 oz
He loves nursery and knows where to go after sacrament and knows where Dad's office is at church too
He is obsessed with Elmo and Mater lately and call for them all day long
He will sit and watch Elmo on Sesame Street for like 5 minutes... why does he hate tv?!
He is still in size 4 diapers
He still signs "more"
This last week, he has eaten everything that we have eaten!! (pulled pork, whole slice of pizza, haystacks, pork chops, breakfast burritos, shredded wheat cereal, jello and twice baked potatoes)
Whenever he sees the Disney Princess's he calls them "Miley". (she's his cousin)
He has 2 very best friends, Lucy King and Ryan Hoyos. They play in nursery together and when we have Star Wars night every week. He even calls out for them when they aren't around!
He tells me when he has poop in his pants and points to it and will bring me a diaper and wipes. We even set him on the toilet one time but he didn't go. Guess he's not ready.
He is still obsessed with balloons and balls. Sports balls.
He points to pictures of our family and says who we are.
He knows his name is Paxton and says "me, Paton"
He loves to go bye-bye and always asks to go. Then he'll bring his jacket and shoes to me!
He is still in his crib that is turned around so he can't escape

Happy 21 Months Pax!

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