Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Photo A Day!

If you don't have Instagram.... you should! Here is a challenge that I took part in! Its kinda fun to look back on now. I was late a few days but hey, theres 29 pictures and I finished!
The Challenge
 Day 1: View- Provo Temple
 Day 2: Words- Beautiful words to Marc's eyes!
 Day 3: Hands
 Day 4: Strangers- From a book Im reading, "Teachings of George Albert Smith"
 Day 5: 10AM- Missed 10am because I was at church meetings all morning
 Day 6: Dinner
 Day 7: Button
 Day 8: Sun
 Day 9: Front Door
 Day 10: Self Portrait
 Day 11: Makes You Happy- Family, Paxton, Gospel, my cookies!
 Day 12: Inside Your Closet
 Day 13: Blue- Sick baby
 Day 14: Heart- Made out of Paxton's pee
 Day 15: Phone
 Day 16: Something New
 Day 17: Time
 Day 18: Drink
 Day 19: Something You Hate To Do- Put in and take out contacts
Day 20: Handwriting
 Day 21: A Fave Photo Of You- Becoming a wife. Becoming a mother. Becoming a family. Becoming TRUELY happy
 Day 22: Where You Work- At home
 Day 23: Your Shoes
 Day 24: Inside Your Bathroom Cabinet
 Day 25: Green- Decorations
 Day 26: Night- Blizzard outside the mall
 Day 27: Something You Ate- Pulled Pork Sandwichs
 Day 28: Money- Or lack of
Day 29: Something You're Listening To- Marc read

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