So we have these amazing friends, the Glassman's and we were lucky to spend a night with them & friends for Whits surprise birthday party. Devon (whits hubby) planned the whole thing out and kept it a complete secret until the night of her birthday. She knew she was having a little get together, but i guarantee she had no idea WHAT kind of party it was going to be. He went shopping for her, put her costume on, took a picture, and wrapped everything individually. She opened them & was so confused, until she opened the last present and it was a pick of devon in the costume with some elbow pads explaining we would be doing 80's dodgeball. So us 3 girls all got ready together and headed over to the APX gym for a good time. I will have to admit that the boys costumes were SO funny. Short booty shorts, marc stuffed haha. oh it was so fun. Wouldve been better if i played but all the other pregnant girls sat out with me so it all worked out. We all officially decided that themed parties are the best! Cant wait for more birthdays to come :) GOOD JOB DEVON!!!
Whitney doing the steamroller. Evidently she never really understood the concept!
Marcs outfit!! haha
The girlies
Me & the birthday girl
All the married ladies, alllll the married ladies, now put your hands up!!
"Show your belly", Marc: Mine? ok. Julie: No.. your pregnant wife dork! haha
3....2....1... dodgeball... thats right, i sat on the sidelines and started the rounds :)
LOL, that definitely looks fun!