Today, Aunt Dorene, Paxton & i went to the gardens at thanksgiving point! Every Tuesday in August is 2 dollars! Otherwise, its 10 dollars. It was bigger then we expected & pretty. We wish they would've labeled their plants & flowers more because it would've been nice to know what they were. Anywho, we had some strawberry frozen lemonade and walked around this HUGE field. We came upon a little lake with LILYPADS on it. Ive always wanted to see these in person and finally did. We even spotted a few frogs on them! SO COOL! Then we fed the HUGe goldfish there! i mean HUGE! Afterwards, we grabbed a bite to eat at Subway and headed home! It was a fun venture for us 3. Thank you Dorene for the treat!!
Huge fish!!
Frog on lilypad
Fish and lilypads
Rose garden
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