Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Baptism, Here We Come!

A lady that i visit teach has finally set a date to be baptized!!! She will be doing it this Friday at 7pm. For all of you that can make it, it will be a WONDERFUL event!!! So come and support her!

Ya know, when i first found out i was visiting a nonmember, i was REALLY nervous. Dont ask me entirely why but i just did. I guess i didnt want her to feel like we were pushing the gospel on her. After seeing how much love she had for the gospel at church, i knew immediately it would only be a matter of time before she set a FOR sure date to be baptized. She is definitely such a strong spirit and i know Heavenly Father is SO proud of her for this decision! im so glad to have the oppurtunity to help her testimony grow (even though its already so strong!!) Im also thankful to be her visiting teacher!!


1 comment:

  1. Mari is so cute and so amazing! I wish I could be there. Give her a hug and tell her congrats for me!! :)
