Thursday, June 27, 2013

Harrison Havasu Trip 2013

We had our annual Harrison Havasu Trip in June. We went out June 22-27 and werent able tospend the whole time there this year becaue of Marc's job. Boo! haha. Anywho, My in-laws bought a house in Havasu so it was nice to be there in our own room! The last 2 years, we bought a hotel for the week. And that gets costly! My in-laws stayed in their time share and us kids got the house. There was only 3 of the families out of the 6 families we have: The Lundblads, Dev & Em, and us. It was a small little group but it was nice! We love Havasu! 

Grandma with Logan, Pax and Layah
Marc with Landon and Pax
The gang hanging out
Dinner again
Maddox and his cousin Kensington. They are 4 weeks apart. (She's older)
In-laws time share
Me wakeboarding
Maddox and i hanging out on the boat! He loved it.
Marc and Pax on the boat
Steph found this cool wall and had a photo opp!
Brothers and their babes!
Pax and Layah are BFF's!
Layah loved being around Maddox
My happy little guy hanging out
My boys!!!
My family
Maddox slept the majority of the time!
Us hanging out in the pool at the time share
Maddox loved the water! It was his first time going in!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Maddox is 3 months!

On June 19th, Maddox rolled from back to belly! He loves it! He started REFUSING the binky. Wont take it at all anymore! And i love it! He has a 7 hour stretch of sleep and then a 5 hour stretch and then a 2 hour stretch. His final wake up time is like 11am! He is completely breastfed. He is in newborn diapers. Wears newborn and some 0-3 that are a little baggy on him. He is such a good baby!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day!

I absolutely ADORE these 3 men in my life! My husband, my dad and my Fajah (father-in-law) And of course, my boys, who will be fathers in the future! 

Today, was a great day! We woke up, gave Marc his presents, ate breakfast and went to church! When we got home, we just spent the rest of the night together! We loved that Marc had the day off! And we took some pictures! Pax and i worked on this questionnaire for Marc. It was SO funny! 

Wish we wouldve taken a family picture! Darn it!
My boys!!
Me and my babes!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mini Shoot!

A few days ago, i busted out my camera and took some pictures! I am no pro by any means but i think they turned out ok!
My family of FOUR! Still so weird!
My boys!
Cousins: Miley and PaX- BFF'S
Us adoring Maddox (Pax was too busy enjoying a sucker!)
My little babes and i
Miley loves baby Maddox
Amanda and Miley
Maddox and i (He's 3 months old here)
My boys!! I dont know what i'd do without them!
My family again!
Miley and Maddox

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pax Wrote His Name!

Today Pax wrote his name all by himself!!! Such a  proud mother moment!! We are working on the "a" haha! And we will work on his full name. But for now, it works!  (the line by the P, he didnt erase the board all the way.)