......Which equals 3 months & 6 days!!
He smiles REAL big & has cracked up once only
He weighs 13 pounds .5 ounces
He is 23 1/2 inches tall
He smiles ALL the time (esp at his momma!!)
He is following objects with his eyes and head
He can sit up with some help
He takes 3o minute catnaps during the day
He turns his head to my voice
He is starting to unfold his tight fists
He stares at small objects
He is talking like crazy! I love the coo'ing!!
He lets momma know what every cry means now
AND.... for you parents out there. Paxton has a few "words" he always uses. I looked them up and found this article!! He does 3 out of the 5. Now i can help him more!!
According to Dunstan the five universal sound reflexes are...
NEH – I’m Hungry.
OWH – I’m Sleepy.
HEH – I’m experiencing discomfort.
EAIRH – I have lower gas. (I have an upset stomach)
EH – I need to burp.