
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Going Public...

We have decided to go public on our blog for awhile. We were always on the fence on having it public or private. But we made some changes and hopefully it'll all work out being public! Ive changed my blog name in hopes that some people wont get ahold of the new name and cause a ruckus! We shall see how that goes! We also decided to go public because of a bunch of printables I have already linked on Pinterest with. People kept asking me for the files so now I wont have to spend time emailing people the printables!

Happy Blogging!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Maddox is 6 Months!

He has started multigrain cereal and veggies
He sits up on his own and has started to crawl
He chews on his pointer finger all the time
He wakes up twice at night to eat
He is still only breastfed
He laughs all the time
He loves being read books and being sung to

We just love him!

These little babes are my world! Im so lucky to be their mom!
Maddox is 6 months and Paxton is 40 months (almost 3 1/2)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Paxton's 1st Day of Pre-School

Paxton had his 1st day of preschool called Joy School! A bunch of moms in our ward put it together! Its awesome! Every week, a mom will teach on Tuesday and Thursday. And every week is a new letter. We all rotate throughout the year! Pax would NOT let me get any pictures of him. Little stinker. I dont know whats up with him.... he used to love pictures. So no, i didnt get any cute ones of him holding up a sign saying "1st day of preschool".... Maybe by the time he actually goes to a school, school, he will let me! Anywho, Joy School is held at our church building. He loved it. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

My In-Laws Mission

My wonderful in-laws have left for their mission in Charleston, West Virgina! They will be gone for 10 months. I am SO excited for this adventure for them. They are such great examples and i just adore them and their willingness to serve our Lord. 

 Walking into the MTC
They have name badges!